Every moment is precious. Let's preserve it!
Effortlessly capture your life to share with your family and future generations.
The Ferever App is the simplest way to document your life.
Capture the moments
Every week Ferever will suggest moments to capture. You get to describe the moment.
Create streams to capture moments
Streams are thread of moments you can share with anyone.
Privacy Focused
All streams are private by default. Share only what you want.
How it works
Moments captured for you. Always in your control.
Streams are threads of moments you control and share with your family and friends.
Each week Ferever will suggest moments to capture to your stream. Add a description and tags to describe the moments. Ferever will automagically organize your moments for you.
Anyone can try Lifestream for free for 3 months.
1 stream
Unlimited moments
Share with 1 family/friend
Lifer plans comes with the bells and whistels
Unlimited streams
Share with 20 family/friends.
Interested? Sign up for the beta launch!
Thank you!
Made with love in Kirkland WA USA